Monday, August 18, 2008


Well, I am sure glad yesterday is over. I had been feeling for some time now that I needed to play a song in Sacrament Meeting. I had one I was practicing off and on for a couple months just in case I needed a quick musical number for something. Well, last Sunday I felt a distinct impression I needed to play yesterday. A returned missionary was speaking and I thought he should have something a little more special than a congregational hymn. Well, the song I had practiced just didn't seem right so I played a few others. The one that I felt I should play was Jon Schmidt's "Baptism Hymn" which I knew but not well enough. I spent the rest of the week practicing and then stressing and than came the dreaded feeling of terror. I realized it has been over 15 years since I have played a solo in Sacrament Meeting and for one reason-TERROR! By Saturday I was beyond grumpy. Sunday came and I knew I had done all I could do and it was in Heavenly Father's hands. The meeting started and I just counted the minutes until it would be over. The missionary was exceptional in his remarks and of course, the whole Stake Presidency was there for him. My hands were a little shaky but I sat down and played and I made it through playing better than I had practiced! I was so glad to be done. I know I had much help from above.

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