Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy 38th Birthday, Lance

Lance is now 38 years old. He celebrated by going to work, having a birthday dinner, going to the church to get some things done and playing basketball. I am sure it was an exciting day for him. He wanted parmesan chicken, orange rolls, and turtle cheesecake for his dinner. Lucky for me I could buy the cheesecake. We couldn't ask for a better husband and dad, even if he is a little goofy at times. We love you!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sinter Klaas

Thank you Sinter Klaas for all the goodies! We know how busy you are in Holland and yet you always seem to get our package to us in time!

Let the Festivities Begin....

The holidays are in full swing! The week was full of classes, school and lots of practicing. I accompanied the children's choir that we were part of last year for their Christmas performance on Friday. It always is fun to watch them perform and I enjoy playing for them on Friday. We had our teacher come that morning and spend about 1 hour per child going over all their work. It makes for a long morning but she is she great for us! That afternoon, we had our Children's Lit co-op group at our house and read books about teddy bears. It is always fun to get together with other homeschool families. I had to send them off quickly after to get to the concert for a last minute practice right after. It was a full day but filled with good stuff. Saturday, I spent a frustrating day shopping. I felt it took forever to accomplish so little. The children rehearsed for their parts in the ward Christmas program. Devon played a piano solo. He played "Angels We Have Heard on High" and played beautifully. The girls sang the song "I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas" with their friends. Lance couldn't get the flash to work on the video so I will put the video so you can hear a bit and then a picture so you can see them. We missed filming Devon so we filmed him at home right after the program.