My kids are ready for school. All their friends started this past week which made for a very slow moving week for us. I tried to keep them somewhat occupied while at the same time trying to plan lessons for school. We went to the river which we haven't done for a long time. It was beautiful and peaceful except for the geese that walk right up to you expecting a handout. There is a bike trail that I hope to do in the next few weeks that winds around the river. The boys had their checkups at the doctors and we are all done with that for a while. Lance and I attended a "cottage meeting" at the bishop's house regarding propostion 8, the marriage amendment. He brought up some interesting thoughts about the consequences if this amendment doesn't pass. What would happen to LDS Social Services if they wouldn't comply with the law about placing children up for adoption with certain couples? What if a bishop refuses to marry certain couples? Would the church then lose its tax status? Not to mention all the curriculum for public school having to be changed. The teachers union here is one big contributor to stopping the amendment. That is a frightening statement in itself. Lance met with a group of only 25 people, unfortunately, from our stake and received handouts and lists of people to contact trying to see how they are going to vote. They only have 11,000 homes to contact! Hopefully the turnout will be better at the meetings this week. He took the kids and knocked on doors for a few hours yesterday and had some great experiences. Most of the neighbors he talked to feel in favor of the amendment. Of course, there were those that had varying opinions. It was great for the kids to be part of that and learn about the importance of this issue. Thanks, mom and dad, for your contribution!
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