Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Awesome Kids

My kids are awesome. Wednesday morning, I went to have my hair cut. I was gone a lot longer than anticipated. I came home to smiling, happy children who had finished their schoolwork on their own and who had cleaned the entire house! The dishes were done, dishwasher cleaned out, every item was picked up off the floor in every room, and lunch was on the stove cooking. It made my whole week!

Friday, we had our little co-op group come over here. We talked and read about Thanksgiving, made some Indian headbands and turkeys out of apples. We had a great time.

Devon had his last soccer game yesterday, and it was not a pretty game. The opposition was an amazing team. It was a bummer for Devon to end on that note but he had a good time at his soccer party that night.

Jason had a campout with the scouts on Friday. They didn't stray to far and just went to the lake. He said they were up to about 3 in the morning doing "nothing". I am sure the upcoming teenage years will bring more expressiveness out of him.

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